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Contract Balancing Services

Contract Rotor Balancing

Shenju offers more to our customers than top-notch balancing equipment... we offer top-of-the-line Contract Balancing Services. Sometimes it is more cost-effective to contract your product balance correction.

You want to use Hofmann Contract Balancing if:

  • You are unfamiliar with balance correction, but know you have rotational vibration
  • You have production product, but cannot justify the cost of semi-automatic equipment
  • You are working with prototype product and need balancing expertise
  • You have unique product that requires special skills to correct
  • You have unusual size and shape products
  • You are in need of special tooling
  • Your product needs to be balance corrected while in its own housing

These are just a few reasons to use our Contract Balancing Service. We can balance your rotors and assemblies at our facility. Our services typically have a quick turnaround, but also offer expedited balance services when necessary. We accept a wide range of rotor types and sizes.

Our in-house Contract Balancing Department specializes in the following:

  • Single-piece balancing
  • Production runs on automatic equipment
  • Tiny components (1 oz or less), such as dental drills
  • Large rotors, up to 10,000 lb. and 20 ft. length
  • Single-plane (static) and two-plane (dynamic) balancing
  • Unique applications requiring tooling
  • Balancing per API, ISO, and SAE/ARP certifications

Shenju balancing machines use a piezo-electric crystal measuring system that is essentially a solid-state electronic system. This measuring system is more sensitive, linear, and reliable than vibratory systems. Coupled with our digital electronic measuring instruments, and including many special software packages suited to turbine applications, Shenju balancing machines perform the most difficult tasks in the industry with exceptional results.

If you would like a quote,
please email us your drawings(s), balance specifications, quantity, and delivery requirements.

You may contact us by email, telephone, or our online proposal request form. We look forward to the opportunity to service your balancing needs.

  • Contract Balancing Brochure (PDF brochure, 115 kB)
  • Online Proposal Request
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